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Energy Work Services 2020

Spiritual Services

There are times in our lives when we need help, and we need it from a spiritual adviser or medicine person. Our ordained ministers and team specialize in caring for groups that are often ostracized: LGBTQA+, Two-Spirits, Native Americans, Pagans, Witches, Veterans, and anyone truly seeking our help.


Guided Spirit Journeys

House Cleansings

House Blessings


Energy Healing

Chakra Balancing

Painbody Removals

Sacred Womb Healing

Intuitive Card Readings

Intuitive Healing Bodywork

Grounding, Centering, Shielding:

This quick consultation gives you resources on how to ground yours and other peoples energies, how to center yourself within your body, and how to protect your spiritual body with techniques on how to metaphysically shield your energy. $35

Guided Meditations:

Need an expert to guide your group or solo meditation sessions? With a variety or meditation topics, pick your favorite and find your flow with the guidance of our Intuitive Consultants.

Chakra Self Care Get to Know Your Gemstones Grounding

Shielding Basics Ancestral/Animal Guides Moon Ritual

Prices vary.

Stone Progression:

Sit with an expert Meta-Geologist and Medicine Person to learn which gemstone energies work with your personal predilections. Sit with different types of stones and find which vibe right for you and which to avoid. Each progression includes a write up on your personal stone frequencies and recommendations on how to use them in your daily life. $85

Cord Cutting:

Do you have someone trying to impose themselves energetically on you? Are you facing psychic vampires, disruptive bond mates, ex-lovers, stalkers or more? This session is a guided ceremony that walks you through energy, bond connections, and how to remove them from your personal energy field through a cord cutting ceremony. $50


Our Intuitive Consultants are trained in various methods to safely and appropriately help you communicate with the spirit world. Let us translate the energies you’re feeling and see what your ancestors, guides or ghosts are trying say. $200

Past Life Integration:

Do you feel like a past you is trying to speak to or through you? Do you get strange dreams about the ancient past? Do you read historical texts and get flashes of truth among ‘facts’? Do you find yourself unexplainably drawn to outside cultures like old mythology, gods/goddesses, figure heads or symbols? Deja vu?

This guided meditation consultation is like a medium-ship session from your past you. Sit with one of our Medicine People in sacred circle and integrate the messages coming from your past into your present life. Let’s listen to our own gut instinct and learn from our past so we can heal our future. $35/Hour

Art Therapy:

Join Art Therapist, Energy Artist, and Minister Mixter Whispers for a journey into the subconscious imagery and creativity of your own mind. Unleash creative blockages with this guided course that gives you weekly activities to unlock your innate ability to express yourself nonverbally. Each month you’ll check in with our certified art therapy life coach to discuss your projects, any obstacles you may have faced, and delve into symbolism, color theory, and more!

3 Month Package $200

This introductory package is a three month dive into the inner self through creative expression. This package includes 5 check-ins (Our introductory session, 3 monthly check-ins, and a final discussion on your journey) and a 25% discount on future monthly prompt packages. Each month will include an online video chat, a package of PDF prompts of art projects, and a feature on our Art Therapy page on

Additional Months: $80/each

Each month will feature a new theme to help us keep the momentum going as we explore out intuitive inner self

Art Therapy Sacred Tea Journeys: Please see our Guided Spirit Journey section.

Metaphysical Massage:

Your body is so much more than just physical. Tune in to your energy body and experience a metaphysical massage from our lead massage therapist, a deep tissue integrative energy healer. Let intuitive hands on work melt away stress, energy blockages, and vibrational disharmony. This 90 minute introductory massage features a therapeutic aromatherapy option, reflexology grounding, ceremonial smudge and aftercare advice to improve your self-care game. Check out our Massage Benefits Brochure for more information.

Recommended Monthly: $125

Chair Massage Energy Clearing

Combine the physical healing benefits of a restorative chair massage with the energetic refresh that comes from clearing out energy in your aura that doesn’t belong! Session includes a smudge with sacred herbs and smudge wands, hands-on massage, sound healing, and gentle crystals to help recharge and refresh the physical and metaphysical body. $45

Sacred Womb Healing

We’ve learned from the experiences of life and seen the trauma done to the Sacred Feminine on this planet. Many of us have been hurt in this lifetime and past. Do you need healing from rape, child birth trauma or other injuries? This painbody healing crosses chakras, meridians, energy bodies, lifetimes, and more with gentle hands on trigger point release. $ Needs Based $

Painbody Removal

“Healer, Heal thyself.” Pain can sit in your energy field like a scar. Throbbing, irritating, telling you somethings just not quite right. Past life or current, pain is a messenger. Stop letting it control you. $ ALWAYS FREE! $

Guided Spirit Journeys

This Sacred Tea Ceremony will bring you into deep inner connection with your Self, Creator, and Ancestral Guides. Sit down in prayer and embrace change in a safe sacred space, guided by experienced travelers and healers.

This over-night journey includes a replenishing meal to break a day long fast in preparation for your guided meditations. Enjoy 3 meal options, designed to return vital nutrients to your body between the 3 distinct meditation periods. Vegan options are available for all menus.

Spirit Soaring, Medicine Man and Intuitive Craftsman, has lead over 2000 journeys since the initial founding of this tea in his 1993 University of Denver CO thesis. Sit down with your ancestors and talk with them on a metaphysical level. Take yourself back to ground zero to reset your body, mind and soul.

Groups of 12: $3000

$250 a Person with a $1,500 Deposit Required Larger group rates available. Art Therapy option available.


A Handfasting is the traditional ceremony to wed partners in sacred union that originated the phrase “tie the knot” and the modern weddings. We talk with you throughout your engagement to ensure you understand the spiritual and physical commitments of a life-long journey together. Get deep before you take the plunge.

Group Packages:

1-25 People $1200 or 25-50 People $1500

Package includes:

Initial Consultation ($75), Six Monthly Check-Ins, Vows and Ceremony Ritual, Optional Bridal Party Activity, Ceremonial Smudges, Day of Ceremony.

Additional family consultations available.

Chakra Balancing

Chakras are “wheels” of energy in our bodies that cycle through various centers of our body to help us stay balanced. We work through 13 channels to ensure blockages be removed thoroughly so you can move forward fresh on your Path. Do colors seem dull to you? Do you feel like your spinning? Reach out. $75

Energy Healing

Our energy can get clogged up, weighed down, and overwhelmed. Our energy bodies need a scrub sometimes too. Clear our the static and shine bright with energy that feels right. We use sound, stones, and smudge to reset your energy body and leave you feeling light and refreshed. $55

Energy Clearing

Is your house or office creepy and crawly in the bad ju-ju kinda way? Homes and work spaces can hold on to a lot of ick, energy and pain from the past, and sometimes they just need a reset! Clean the physical and metaphysical spaces from spirits, energetic pests, and more. Clear out the bad and then seal the space from attack and evil intentions with a customized blessing by one of our ULC certified minister.

Consultations: $75

Individual Smudge: $15

Small House: $75-100

2-3 BR, 2 BA, Living Space, Kitchen, Closets.

Large House: $230+

4+ BR, 2+ BA, Living Spaces, Kitchen, Closets, Extra Storage, Garage, Attic, Basements.

Small Office: $75

2-3 Office Rooms, Lobby, Storage Room, Break Room.

Large Office: $125

4+ Office Rooms or Retreat Spaces, Lobbies, Bathrooms, Breakrooms, Storage areas.

Group Events: $ Varies $

Events including concerts, handfastings, funerals, birth celebrations, sabbats, rituals and more. This is a great way to clear the energy for any major event in your life.

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