Witchy Week
Join the #4OLK community on Social Media.
#Magickal Monday
Kitchen witchery DIY projects focused on using everyday resources around the house and in the kitchen. Live intentionally with magic in your everyday life. Stir in positivity with your coffee. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle with plastics, glasswares, bottle caps and more! Learn about magical associations with common spices, herbs, and more.
#Tuesday Talks
Modern mixed cultural Native American medicine people bringing real talk based on current events and other Pagan lifestyle perspectives. Learn about Grandfather/mother Medicine, Animal Guides, Wake Up calls and more.
#Witchy Wednesday
Who’s curious about intuitive tools like viking runes and moon glyphs? Learn #witchywisdoms throughout the Wheel of the Year and learn to be your best witchy you.  FREE RUNE PULLS on our live show on FB and IG.
#TarotTalk Thursday
Bring your Tarot and Oracle card questions, tune in for our monthly, weekly, and lunar reads each week and get your FREE ONE CARD TAROT on our live show.
Check out our pages for our consultants favorite motivational music to flow to as we finish up our work week. Get your $20 chair massage on your way home.
#Selfcare Saturday
Tune in for pagan minister and massage therapist @MixterWhispers selfcare posts to help you tune in physically and spiritually.
#Weekend Wellness
Book your massage, acupressure, energy healing, chakra rebalancing, tarot reading, stone progression, pain body removal, sacred womb healing, and other individualized intuitive services. Heal yourself.
Take a Walk with Me
Host: Spirit Soaring
#WitchyWeek podcast content with Jacy MoonSpirit, Sings with Owls, and Mixter Whispers.