Reiki Check-In
A 30 minute Reiki Checkin
Service Description
What is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese energy healing modality that channels Universal Energy through the Reiki technician through their palms to their client or self for healing. Reiki certifications come in levels 1, 2, 3, and Master. 30 minute Basic Check-In. Not sure where to start? Pick this tune up to get an idea of where your energy needs help. Can be done by a Reiki 1 Technician. Distance Sessions: +$25

Cancellation Policy
To cancel, please contact us at least a day in advance so we can give someone else a chance to book your time slot. Same-day cancelations will result in a $15 cancellation fee. Fee may be waived due to emergencies. Rescheduling encouraged. Some exceptions will be accepted.
Contact Details
731 Grand Avenue, Platteville, CO, USA