Reality Check
A 5 card reality check.
Service Description
Woah. Hold up. Whats happening here? Let’s break it down and take a look at what energies are at play. 5 Card @ $45 Pick from our decks: Shadowscape Tarot Animal Totem Tarot Everyday Witch Tarot Earth Magic Oracle Moonology Oracle Celtic Tree Oracle Sacred Pathway Cards* Animal Medicine Cards Hedgewitch Oracle Goddess Oracle Dragon Oracle Mystical Shaman Oracle New Vision Tarot*

Cancellation Policy
To cancel, please contact us at least a day in advance so we can give someone else a chance to book your time slot. Same-day cancelations will result in a $15 cancellation fee. Fee may be waived due to emergencies. Rescheduling encouraged. Some exceptions will be accepted.
Contact Details
Private Office 159 731 Grand Avenue, Platteville, CO, USA