Individual Smudge
A full body smudge reset for your energy body. Recommended daily.
Service Description
Is your house or office creepy and crawly in the bad ju-ju kinda way? Homes and work spaces can hold on to a lot of ick, energy and pain from the past, and sometimes they just need a reset! Clean the physical and metaphysical spaces from spirits, energetic pests, and more. Clear out the bad and then seal the space from attack and evil intentions with a customized blessing by one of our ULC certified minister.

Cancellation Policy
To cancel, please contact us at least a day in advance so we can give someone else a chance to book your time slot. Same-day cancelations will result in a $15 cancellation fee. Fee may be waived due to emergencies. Rescheduling encouraged. Some exceptions will be accepted.
Contact Details
731 Grand Avenue, Platteville, CO, USA