Funeral Home Smudge
3 Person Team for a Funeral Home deep clean smudge.
Service Description
This more intensive smudge requires more time and energy than some, due to the nature of the location. Typically a small house or office sized space, extra cost may come in depending on the nature of the energies enncountered. Removal of dark spirits or entities may require additional charge. This comes with a space clearing spritzer and engraved black and white ritual candles and is led by a 3 person team. ~ ~ ~ Is your house, office or business creepy and crawly feeling in the bad ju-ju kinda way? Homes and work spaces can hold on to a lot of ick, energy and pain from the past, and sometimes they just need a reset. Especially after a move, big life event, or recent employee change! Clean the physical and metaphysical spaces from spirits, energetic pests, and more. Clear out the bad and then seal the space from attack and evil intentions with a customized blessing by one of our ULC certified minister. Smudges are performed by a team of two trained consultants, and needs to be done in a pre-cleaned space. Smudges don’t stick if the physical ick is still there! Get custom recommendations on the flow around your space and gemstone grids and decorations that may encourage Peace, Prosperity, and Positivity.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel, please contact us at least a day in advance so we can give someone else a chance to book your time slot. Same-day cancelations will result in a $15 cancellation fee. Fee may be waived due to emergencies. Rescheduling encouraged. Some exceptions will be accepted.
Contact Details
Private Office 159 731 Grand Avenue, Platteville, CO, USA
4 of Like Kind, LLP
+1 (720) 806-9096
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