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Chakra Balancing

Balance your primary 13 chakras using intuitive tools to heal

1 h 30 min
75 US dollars

Service Description

Chakra Rebalancing Did you know that there is so much more to the body than just the physical? Chakras are energy centers, or literally translated “wheels” of energy that resonate through and around the physical body. Many of you may be familiar with 7 typical chakra centers that overlap the physical and energetic bodies. Would you believe we can actually heal you through 13 such centers? Our Intuitive Consultants utilize energy flow assessments with sacred smudge, and intensive crystal gridding to get deep into your energy fields and promote grounding, healing, and rebalancing. We remove that which-no-longer serves you, that which isn’t yours, that which has gotten stuck or stagnant on the walk through life so far. We’ll brighten your radiance by cleansing your auric field, and rebuilding broken energy pathways. We’ll settle you into connection with the “Earth Star” deep within Mother Earth, and expand your connection through the “Heaven’s Gate” and beyond. Sessions typically last an hour. We do a detailed intake with you before we ever get you on the table to lay back and relax as we work. Singing bowls and meditative music will be played to ease your comfort and allow a truly deep connection between client and consultant. What does deep healing look like? Come find out...

Cancellation Policy

To cancel, please contact us at least a day in advance so we can give someone else a chance to book your time slot. Same-day cancelations will result in a $15 cancellation fee. Fee may be waived due to emergencies. Rescheduling encouraged. Some exceptions will be accepted.

Contact Details

  • 731 Grand Avenue, Platteville, CO, USA

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